Social Care

Some disabled children, young people and their families will need practical support. 

The main route to obtain this support involves undergoing an assessment of your child and family’s needs. The assessment should always be based on your needs and those of your child or young person.

Local authorities (LA’s) have a duty to provide certain services to disabled children.  More information on the services offered by Cumberland LA can be found on the local offer Children with Disabilities Team (CWD).  If you think you or your child needs social care services, then you should contact Cumberland LA to request a Social Care Assessment.

Contact: the charity for families with disabled children have a template letter you can use to request a social care assessment [WORD 23KB].

SENDAC (Special Educational Needs and Disability Alliance Cumbria) have useful short breaks information on their website Short Breaks - SENDAC Home Page.

If the LA agrees to provide services after the assessment, they should draw up a plan that sets out who is going to do what, where and when to help your child.

The LA may decide there is no need for services, if you disagree with this decision, you can use the LA's complaints procedure

Social Care in the Education, Health and Care Plan Process

If the LA agrees to conduct an EHC needs assessment, this includes your child or young person’s education, health and social care needs. During an EHC needs assessment, your LA must obtain advice and information from social care.

Social care needs and provision will be detailed in Sections D and H. Your LA must deliver what it says in Section H under relevant social care legislation Children Act 1989 

Appealing to the SEND Tribunal

If an EHC plan has been finalised without the relevant or accurate social care provision, you may be able to challenge it by appealing to the SEND Tribunal.  However, you can only do this if you also want to appeal Sections B (needs), F (provision) and/ or I (placement).  When you make your appeal about one or more of these education sections, you can also ask the SEND Tribunal to consider making social care recommendations.

If you do not want to appeal Sections B, F and/ or I you won’t be able to bring an appeal to get the EHC plan changed, you will still have the right to mediation. You can mediate about just social care – there does not need to be an educational element to the dispute.

We advise you to contact your local SENDIASS Co-ordinator for information and advice on appealing social care elements of an EHC plan.

Carers Assessment

All parent carers in the UK have a right to ask for an assessment of their needs at any time. You can ask for a carer’s assessment by contacting Carers Support Cumbria who will provide you with contact details for the service responsible for conducting carers assessments in your local area.

Further Information

Services-and-support-from-your-local-authority.pdf ( [PDF 772KB]

Carers-assessments.pdf ( [PDF 156KB]

Needs assessment | Carers UK

Appealing Social Care in an EHCP FAQs | (IPSEA)